The Handelszeitung explores why Dagsmejan is the best thermal pajamas:
"Sometimes it is the simple questions that lead further - such as why we still sleep in the same materials as our grandparents used to. Together with Empa, Catarina Dahlin and Andreas Lenzhofer have developed temperature-regulating textiles for pajamas from natural materials. Their recipe: puristic and functional, but friendly design from Catarina's Swedish homeland, Swiss technology, production in Europe. Now the startup Dagsmejan - the name is Swedish and describes the end of winter - is nominated for the coveted Swiss Design Award. Dagsmejan is mainly present in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Great Britain, and next the two founders want to devote more time to the USA and Canada. Should Dagsmejan emerge as the winner of the design contest in November, the company can look forward to a publicity boost."