Dagsmejan test Outdoor gear navigator

Comfortable and clever

Outdoor gear navigator tested Dagsmejan Balance sleepwear and they just love it! Find out why they give our thermal pajamas a 5 star review as the ideal sleep enhancing pajamas. 

"Comfortable and clever, these new pajamas help control your temperature.
I am a restless sleeper. I tend to get too hot in bed, and then I have to throw off the covers to cool down. I’ve even been known to change pajamas halfway through the night because I sweat too much.

It’s even worse when camping. I have a variety of sleeping bags, and I always favour the warmest one (well I do live in Scotland, and there’s nothing worse than being cold in your tent). Trouble is, I get too hot in those too, and it’s the same pattern, except I have to unzip the bag to cool off.

I was sceptical about this new product from Swedish company Dagsmejan. The Balance sleepwear claims to thermoregulate your body heat, with the fibres warming you when you are too cold, and wicking away sweat when you are too hot.

Dagsmejan Balance sleepwear features

  • Made from Nattwell fabric, a MicroModal 100% natural fibre made from beech wood fibres
  • 5% Spandex for four-way stretch
  • Superior wicking properties
  • Great fit
  • Looks good

My first impressions of the Balance sleepwear were good. The fabric was very smooth, soft and seemed lightweight, but resilient. The styling was pretty decent too – there are lots of styles and colour options to choose from.

The trousers (or pants) fitted a bit like long johns, had cuffs at the ankles and an ‘engineered’ waistband. There were also two pockets. You can choose shorts if you prefer. The top had the look and style of a base layer – long sleeves, and T-shirt neck. I am normally a medium, and the medium was a perfect fit for me – snug to my body, without feeling too restrictive. Everything has flat seams, and there are no scratchy labels.

Dagsmejan Balance sleepwear on test

Everything is a bit figure hugging, but this is a benefit when you are trying to sleep. I found that the top just never seemed to ride up to leave my midriff exposed (and cold) – the fabric does seem to ‘move’ with you while you sleep. That engineered waistband also helps to keep the pants in place, but isn’t tight and uncomfortable.

The best thing though, and the deal maker for me, was that I never found myself too warm or too cold. And especially, I didn’t wake up in a sweat. This was true for sleeping in a domestic bed and camping using a down sleeping bag. What does this mean? Well, a sound sleep for me, and what could better than that?

Dagsmejan Balance sleepwear

I would recommend these for full-time use – not just for camping – but they would be especially good for travelling to places where you might have unexpected temperatures at night. I recently took them to Helsinki, where I expected the apartment we were staying in to be cold. It wasn’t, but my Balance jammies were also the perfect lounge wear. It’s been suggested that you could also wear them as base layer underneath normal clothing, perhaps when travelling on a long-haul flight (to help regulate your temperature), but I haven’t tried this yet.

Available in women’s and men’s styles. See www.dagsmejan.com for more information and to buy."

 Read it online here

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